Individual Craft

Inspired by learners

For learners

Drama class
Home Team Painting detail

See our ways of learning

clay modelling

Learning by doing

In AEL you will discover that arts, crafts, drama and all creative -and even outdoor- activities are learning opportunities, that you will experience as "English in Action"!

Folk dances

Learning with joy

You will enjoy learning in a safe, friendly environment where teachers are on your side to facilitate and encourage community building and cooperative learning


Learning from life

School is one of the places where we learn: life is an even wider field of learning! During your stay there will be plenty of opportunities where learning from life will be deeply effective!

Our Story

Innovation & tradition

The AEL project was established in Spring 2006 after a pilot project -designed for my own pupils in 1998, when I was class teacher in a Waldorf/Steiner school in Milan- came to its conclusion.

Two purposes have been at the core of Active English Learning from its beginning: Educational and Charitable

The educational purpose was to provide my teenager pupils a full-immersion language experience in the country where English is the live means of communications.

A “hands-on” activity-based programme was designed to help participants learn through arts, crafts, games, excursions and social, cultural events as a complementary extension to their studies at school.

Valerio Romoli
My Face

Aelproject founder and manager 

Our Ethos

Freedom 1

Educational Aims

We aim to help our students improve their ability to understand and communicate in English, to feed their personal development and to rise their social awareness.

Cognitive achievements are fundamental for a complete personal development, so we take care that each students achieves good learning outcomes, respecting their personal pace of learning and learning strategies

Nourishing creativity and firing imagination are amid the effects of our holistic approach, that takes into account mind, soul and body a each learner

Any successful achievement may feed self-confidence and self-esteem that are relevant factors of further learning and personal development

A sign of my personal development is to know what is necessary in a certain context or what someone else may need or what I need, and take the responsibility to do it! Quite simple…

We envisage our students to work together and learn from  one another as well as from teachers during all creative projects and English lessons

In all we do, we aim to sharpen social awareness, that is taking care of one another, being sensible towards those who need, understanding what I can do for the others and what they may offer to me.

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