More joy, more action, more English:the programme 2015 is moving on!

The winter is still ruling the weather -although in Devon it is incredibly mild for the moment- but the peack of the winter night is already over! The light comes earlier in the morning and the evening stays bright longer. Snowdrops are smiling all over the fields, some primroses and many tulips are peeping out of old leaves and grass. So, it is time to look ahead and dream of the summer because the summer is behind the corner… as the old Tomten wisely told cows and horses who were dreaming of it:

Winters come and winters go,

Summers come and summers go,

Soon you will graze in the fields”

IMG 2237So, what am I dreaming of for the students coming to the “Active English Learning“? Well, dreams often fade away when coming in touch with reality but good dreams deserve our efforts to make them real. And in this direction we are moving on.

canoeing acrobatics long1Every summer after the end of the AEL courses,  I thouroughly review “the good, the bad and the ugly” of our experience and want to make it better. My dream is to offer our students joy, skills and confidence, for those three qualities are the solid foundation of every development. This year I dream for our students more joy, more action, more English! And I want to make the dream real.

Let’s start from the end. In August -during the “family camp” we’ll go to the Minack Theatre, a unique, inspiring place built and financed between 1931 and 1983 by the strong determination of Rowena Cade (read the whole story here).

theatreAt the Minack we will see one of the most popular fairytale of modern times: “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” from the Chronicles of Narnia. This will be an unforgettable event! You can read in your language -if you haven’t yet- or you may like to read the original language of C.S. Lewis (click here to read online or download in PDF). Would you like to hear more?

Stay tuned on AEL blog: I shall get back soon on this event and more! Enjoy!



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